1·Why alpha takes on the precise value it has, so delicately fine-tuned for life, is a deep scientific mystery.
2·The most popular items are discount shopping CARDS, bakery coupons and show tickets that have a precise value.
3·The precise value of distinguishing organic from functional gastrointestinal diseases by warning symptoms and signs has not been clarified.
4·The precise tuning of the arc-suppression coil can be realized on the basis of the precise value of the tuning-off degree and the capacitive current.
5·However in some rocky and earthy regions such as Beijing mountain region, traditional measurement method can not get the precise value of sediment concentration.
6·Theorists can eliminate the fluctuations from their equations, but only by setting the Higgs mass to a very precise value — a fraction heavier or lighter and the whole theoretical edifice collapses.
7·This reflects that any estimate of fair value is just that: an estimate, not a precise figure, so the margin of safety provides a much-needed cushion against errors and misfortunes.
8·The technique is now more precise, astronomers say, and so more accurate values for Hubble's constant and the uncertainty of the value of that constant can be reliably determined.
9·The shorter the length of the value, the more precise it will be with less opportunity for keystroke or other errors.
10·Being precise (or appearing to be precise) without also being accurate provides little value.